Originally Written by the famous playwright Cao Yu. “Thunderstorm” is a drama that depicts a tragic day in the life of a middle class family in china 1920, s,and portrays the late feudalism of Chinese society in that time,
Composer Tang Kang Nian took more than two decades to compose the entire chorus and the arias in the opera. It premiered in Vancouver in its first incarnation as a concert of arias.
David Gordon Duke wrote in Vancouver Sun: “Tang’s work has boldness and a decided character; he has made his music well and succeeds in defining his characters through the subtle interplay of styles.”
Mr. Tang passed away after a severe illness. His wife, Emily(Xin Hai)Pan, decided to fulfill his dream of turning “Thunderstorm” into a full-length opera.
Ms. Pan worked with playwright Zhao Hua He to complete the libretto and composed the rest of the music, including the recitative.
The opera will be presented this summer in Vancouver, where the composer lived, and where he conceived of the opera— a special commemoration of our musician, Mr. Kang Nian Tang.